May 23-27 (Spanish Biography Project)

Spanish Biography Project

For this project, you will choose one notable person from a Spanish-speaking country and/or background. The person may be historical or modern (alive or deceased). The more interesting you find your person, the easier this project will be.

This project is made up of two parts. We will have time in class to complete both parts, but if there are requirements that are not completed in class, you are expected to complete them at home before the due date.



Magazine article (100 points)

You will write a magazine article about your person. It should include his/her birthday, background, major contributions or reasons why he/she is famous, any interesting facts, what they currently do now, and when/how they passed away (if applicable).


-Must be at least 300 words (all in Spanish).

-Must include at least one picture of the person.

-Must be turned in at the beginning of class on Wednesday, May 25.



PowerPoint Presentation (100 points)

You will create a PowerPoint presentation to present the information you’ve researched to the class.


-Must include at least 10 slides.

-Must include at least 7 images.

-(Everything) must be written in Spanish.

-Must be e-mailed to by Thursday, May 26 at 2:45 PM.




This project as a whole is worth 200 points. To ensure you get the highest grade possible, I suggest the following:

-        Take advantage of the time in class to work on this project

-        Try to show me a copy of your work before the due date so I can help you edit the grammar and spelling

-        Count the total words (in the magazine article) and include the total by your name. (If the total is not included, 5 points will be deducted from the total points).

-        E-mail the PowerPoint as early as possible to prevent late submission due to computer issues. (Late submissions will be deducted 10 points off per day!)

Below are the rubrics that I will be using to grade your project (so don’t throw this paper away so I can use it while you present!)



Magazine Article Rubric:



Less than 250 words
(0-10 points)

Between 250-300 words
(10-19 points)

At least 300 words

(20 points)



Did not include a picture
(0 points)


Included at least one picture

(20 points)

On Time


Turned in by May 27

(0 points)

Turned in by May 26

(10 points)

Turned in by beginning of class, May 25

(20 points)



Had more than 10 grammar or spelling errors
(0-9 points)

Had 5-10 grammar or spelling errors
(10-20 points)

Had no grammar or spelling errors

(20 points)

Overall Appearance


Does not look professional at all

(0-10 points)

Does not look professional; slightly messy

(10-20 points)

Looks professional and aesthetically pleasing

(20 points)


Total:           /100





PowerPoint Presentation



Less than 8 slides

(0-10 points)

8-10 slides
(10-20 points)

At least 10 slides

(20 points)



Included less than 5 images

(0-10 points)

Included 5-7 images

(10-20 points)

Included at least 7 images

(20 points)

On Time


E-mailed later than Friday, May 27

(0-10 points)

E-mailed by Friday, May 27

(10 points)

E-mailed by the due date/time

(20 points)



Had more than 10 grammar or spelling errors
(0-9 points)

Had 5-10 grammar or spelling errors
(10-20 points)

Had no grammar or spelling errors

(20 points)

Overall Appearance


Does not look professional at all

(0-10 points)

Does not look professional; slightly messy

(10-20 points)

Looks professional and aesthetically pleasing

(20 points)


Total:        /100